Can two walk
together, except they be agreed?
Amos 3:3 King James
Version (KJV)
It is important that you have a friend that agrees with the fact
that you're passionate about JESUS, and you are as well! A true Friendship is
one where there is a true sense of understanding, of each other’s personal
attributes, and as Christians you stand to encourage one another, to ensure
each person is growing in CHRIST.
Iron sharpeneth
iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend.
Proverbs 27:17 King
James Version (KJV)
There is no point having someone in your life that is not adding
to your life in anyway, you have to make sure the person you have decided to
call a friend is one whereby you improve each other, that it’s not a one way
24 A man that hath
friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer
than a brother.
Proverbs 18:24 King
James Version (KJV)